Friday, March 7, 2014

Favorite resources for healthy eating

Most people know that I have made a transition to a whole foods plant based lifestyle in the last year.  What that basically means is I avoid processed food and refined sugars like the plague.  My rule is if the ingredient list has unpronounceable names or anything I can't recognize I do not touch it.  I also avoid dairy for the most part and eat limited amounts of meat.  I try to eat 60-80% raw.  I eat a lot vegan and vegetarian but don't classify myself as either since I eat meat once or twice a week and do use eggs for cooking and have cheese and yogurt occasionally. I am basically a whole foodie. I am not perfect by any means in this lifestyle but I try my hardest.  I figure if I am trying to eat this way 100% of the time, and I end up breaking the rules a few times which is unavoidable when you live in the real world, then I will still be eating this way 90% of the time and I will still be really healthy.  So that is basically my philosophy.  I base a lot of the way I eat by trying to follow my religions Word of Wisdom  listed in the Doctrine and Covenants.

As most of you know I am a green smoothie girl disciple. Ha ha.  I have learned so much from her blog and website about healthy eating.  She does a ton of research and is really well educated and forms her opinions based on science.  I have felt so much better and have lost 60lbs since I started eating the way she recommends. I bought her 12 steps to whole foods course and it really simplified transitioning to a whole foods lifestyle for me. There are a lot of great recipes in there that actually taste good along with being healthy.  Take a look around her website and read her blog if you want to learn more about important things such as good fats vs bad (healthy and unhealthy oils), refined vs unrefined sea salt or himilayen salts, animal vs vegetable protein, why we don't need dairy, and many other great topics.

The china study has really influenced me a ton in my eating. Watch the documentary Forks over knives to get in depth interviews with the doctors/researchers.  The study is the first of it's kind and is a large ongoing longitudinal study that has had tremendous findings. I learned that we really only need 5% animal protein in our diet and anything more than that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.  The evidence in this work is quite compelling. They have repeated the same study over and over again with animals and now with humans isolating the variables in different ways and keep coming up with the same results.  Those that eat 20% animal protein in their diet are increasingly unhealthy and have much higher rates of cardiovascular disease and cancers and die sooner than those who only eat 5% animal protein.  Anyway you can learn more here.

Here are my favorite recipe blogs. I will just add more to the list as I keep finding them.

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